Individuals Corporate Others
A Interest Rates      
1.1 Savings Dep MUR 3.10% 0.10% - 0.50% NA
1.11 Savings Dep (FCY) 0.00%-0.25% 0.00%-0.25% NA
1.12 Savings Dep (GBP) 0.00% - 0.25% 0.00% - 0.25% NA
1.13 Savings Dep (USD) 0.00% - 1.00% 0.00% - 1.00% NA
1.2 Term Dep (MUR) 3.30%-3.75% 3.30%-3.75% NA
1.4 Term Dep (FCY)      
1.41 Term Dep (USD) 0.50% 0.50% NA
1.42 Term Dep (GBP) 0.50% 0.50% NA
1.43 Term Dep (EURO) 0.00% 0.00% NA
2 Credit Facilities(MUR)
2.1 Prime Lending Rate 7.45% 7.45% NA
2.2 Credit Card NA NA NA
2.3 Other credit facilities-Margin over PLR PLR-3% ABOVE PLR PLR -3% ABOVE PLR NA
3 Credit Facilities(FCY)      
3.1 Margin over LIBOR NA NA NA
4 Savings Account
4.1 Minimum account opening balance  Rs1000 Rs 5000 NA
4.2 Minimum credit balance to earn interest Rs5,000.00 NA NA
4.3 Cost of cheque book Rs6.00 per leaf Rs7.00 per leaf NA
4.4 Dormant/inoperative reactivation charge MUR500 /occurence MUR500 /occurence NA
5 Current Account
5.1 Minimum account opening balance Rs5,000.00 Rs 10000 NA
5.2 Cost of cheque book Rs6.00 per leaf Rs7.00 per leaf NA
5.4 Min Balance Charge Rs 100+VAT Quarterly
if Qtly Average Balance of Rs 1000 is not maintained
Rs 500+VAT Quarterly
if Qtly Average Balance of Rs 5000 is not maintained
6 Call Deposit Account
6.1 Minimum balance NA NA NA
6.2 Minimum credit balance to earn interest NA NA NA
6.3 Monthly service charges NA NA NA
7 Term deposits (MUR)
7.1 Minimum amount Rs25,000.00 Rs100,000.00 NA
7.2 Deposit withdrawn before maturity within 3 months Interest will be paid 1% below card rate for completed period Will be forfeited NA
7.3 Deposit withdrawn before maturity after 3 months Interest will be paid 1% below card rate for completed period Interest will be paid 1% below card rate for completed period NA
8 Term deposits (FCY)
8.11 Minimum amount USD USD1000 USD1000 NA
8.12 Minimum amount GBP GBP100 GBP100 NA
8.13 Minimum amount EURO EUR100 EUR100 NA
8.21 Deposit withdrawn before maturity USD Interest will be paid at agreed rate for completed period Interest will be paid at agreed rate for completed period NA
8.22 Deposit withdrawn before maturity GBP Interest will be paid at agreed rate for completed period Interest will be paid at agreed rate for completed period NA
8.23 Deposit withdrawn before maturity EUR NIL NIL NA
9 Foreign Currency Account
  Minimum balance
9.1 Euro NA NA NA
9.2 Pound Sterling NA NA NA
9.3 US Dollar NA NA NA
9.4 Minimum credit balance to earn interest NA NA NA
9.5 Monthly service charges NA NA NA
9.6 Dormant/inoperative reactivation charge EUR20
Per occurence
Per occurence
10 Credit Cards
10.1 Annual fee NA NA NA
10.2 Replacement of lost/stolen cards NA NA NA
10.3 Cash advance fee NA NA NA
10.4 Overlimit fee NA NA NA
11 Loans and advances
  Processing fee
11.1 Against Deposits 0.25%, Min of sanctioned limit Min Rs500 MaxRs2000 0.25%, Min of sanctioned limit Min Rs500 Max Rs2000  NA
11.11 Home Loans 1% of Sanctioned Limit
Min Rs2500
Max Rs100,000
1% of Sanctioned Limit
Min Rs10,000
Max Rs200,000
11.2 Others 1% of Sanctioned Limit
Min Rs2500
Max Rs100,000
1% of Sanctioned Limit
Min Rs10,000
Max Rs200,000
11.21 Renewal 0.5% of Review limit Min Rs1,250 Max Rs25000 0.5% of Review limit Min Rs2500 Max Rs50000 NA
11.22 Amendment fee Rs500.00 per modification borrower induced Rs1000.00 per modification borrower induced  
11.3 Arrangement fee NIL NIL NA
11.4 Ledger fee NIL Rs 2 +VAT per tran Min Rs 500  NA
11.5 Commitment fee As per sanctioned terms & conditions As per sanctioned terms & conditions NA
11.6 Early redemption / prepayment fee NIL NIL NA
11.7 Valuation Survey & Report fee Actual fee charged by Valuer subject to borrower protection act+ out of pocket exp of Rs500 per prop Actual fee charged by Valuer subject to borrower protection act+ out of pocket exp of Rs1000 per prop  NA
11.71 Legal charges for creation of security documents Rs1000 for facility up to Rs 0.5M
Rs 2500 for facility over Rs 0.5M up to Rs 5.0M
Rs 5000 for facility over Rs 5.0M
Rs 1500 for facility up to Rs 0.5M
Rs 3000 for facility over Rs 0.5M up toRs 5.0M
Rs 6000 for facility over Rs 5.0M
11.8 Documentation charges Actual fee + handling charge of Rs 1000 Actual fee + handling charge of Rs 1500  NA
11.9 Gages sans deplacement Actual fee + handling charge of Rs 1000 Actual fee + handling charge of Rs 1500 NA
11.91 Registration/Erasure of charges Actual fee + handling charge of Rs 1000 Actual fee + handling charge of Rs 1500 NA
12 Guarantees
12.1 Performance bonds Up to Rs5.0M 1.50% p.a. 1.50% p.a. NA
12.2 Tender / bid bonds Up to Rs5.0M 1.50% p.a. 1.50% p.a. NA
12.3 Advance payment bonds Up to Rs5.0M 1.50% p.a. 1.50% p.a. NA
12.4 Retention money bonds / guarantees Up to Rs5.0M 1.50% p.a. 1.50% p.a. NA
12.5 Shipping guarantee Up to Rs5.0M 1.50% p.a. 1.50% p.a. NA
12.6 Guarantee above Rs5.0M 1.00% p.a. 1.00% p.a. NA
13 Treasury Bills
13.1 Account opening fee NA NA NA
13.2 Transaction fee NA NA NA
14 Debit cards
14.1 Annual fee NA NA NA
14.2 Replacement of lost/stolen cards Rs200.00 NA NA
14.21 Reissuance of PIN Rs150.00 NA NA
14.3 Withdrawals
14.4 Bank’s ATMs NIL NIL NIL
14.5 Other Banks ATMs in MU Rs50.00 NA NA
14.6 Other Banks ATMs Out MU Rs100.00 NA NA
14.7 Balance Inquiry/Mini Statement ON US Rs1.00 NA NA
14.8 Balance Inquiry OFF US Rs10.00 NA NA
15 Others
15.1 Telegraphic transfer / SWIFT Transfer Min 400+Out of pocket expenses Min 500+Out of pocket expenses NA
15.2.1 MACSS facility Rs150.00 Rs150.00 NA
15.2.2 Remittance to India BOB to BOB MUR50 NA NA
15.2.3 Remittance to India BOB to NON BOB MUR75 NA NA
15.3 Audit confirmation certificate Rs500.00 Rs500.00 NA
15.4 Testimonial / Banker’s reference fee Rs100.00 Rs100.00 NA
15.5 Letter of reference Rs100.00 Rs100.00 NA
15.6 Payroll fee NA NA NA
15.7 Internet banking fee NIL NIL NA
15.8 Duplicate statement of account Rs.50 per sheet Rs.100 per sheet NA
15.9 Standing Instructions
15.91 Internal transfer Rs15.00 Rs15.00 NA
15.92 Transfer to other banks Rs30.00 Rs30.00 NA
15.93 Direct Debits on utility bill/MRA Others Rs6.00   Rs8.00 Rs8.00   Rs8.00 NA
15.94 Unpaid SI due to insufficient funds Rs150 Rs150 NA
16 Purchase of foreign cheques / bank drafts
16.1 DD INR up to INR25000 NA NA NA
16.2 DD between INR 25K to INR100K NA NA NA
16.21 DD between INR100K to INR400K NA NA NA
16.22 DD above INR400K NA NA NA
16.3 DD Other Currencies NA NA NA
16.4 Office cheque issuance Rs200 Rs200 NA
16.5 Cheque book facility Rs6.00 per leaf Rs7.00 per leaf NA
17 Cheque returned
17.1 Inward Rs100 Rs100 NA
17.2 Outward Rs300 Rs300 NA
17.3 Stop payment orders Rs 100 per cheque
Max Rs2000
Rs 100 per cheque
Max Rs2000
18 Safe Deposit Lockers
18.1 Type A Rs2000+vat Rs2000+vat NA
18.2 Type B Rs3000.00+vat Rs3000.00+vat NA
18.3 Type C Rs3500.00+vat Rs3500.00+vat NA
18.4 Type D Rs3500.00+vat Rs3500.00+vat NA
18.5 Type E Rs4000.00+vat Rs4000.00+vat NA
18.6 Type F Rs4500.00+vat Rs4500.00+vat NA
18.7 Type H Rs5500.00+vat Rs5500.00+vat NA
18.8 Type L Rs6500.00+vat Rs6500.00+vat NA
18.9 Night safe NA NA NA
19 Issuance of QR codes to Merchants Customers
19.01 Installation charge Free Free NA
19.02 Rent Free Free NA
19.03 Local QR  MDR for Bank  account holders 0.75% +VAT per transaction 0.75%+VAT Per transaction NA
19.04 Local QR  MDR for other Bank  account holders 1.00%+VAT Per transaction 1.00%+VAT Per transaction NA
19.05 UPI QR MDR for Bank  account holders 2.00%+VAT Per transaction 2.00%+VAT Per transaction NA
19.06 UPI QR MDR for other Bank  account holders 2.50%+VAT Per transaction 2.50%+VAT Per transaction NA
19.06 Waiver of MDR period (case to case basis) Up to 3 months Up to 3 months NA
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